Posts tagged Kate's Ring
Behind the scenes: The Editing process

Writing a novel is a long project.  Once the story is completed and the publisher accepts it, some tough work begins in the editing process – where an experienced editor reviews the manuscript and sends it back to the author for revisions.


First Edit - Donna has completed the first edit which required adjusting some dialogue plus conducting additional research to verify times, places and methods of travel (a good challenge when your novel is set in a time nearly 100 years ago).  Big thanks goes out to the Beaton Institute (Cape Breton University) and especially Dr. Jim St. Clair, author, historian, and broadcaster for providing essential information about the Mount Pleasant area of Cape Breton in the early 20th century.

Second Edit - Donna is currently working with the editor on the second edit which needs to be completed by mid April.  This second edit will include more research reviews plus clarifying the role of some of the minor characters and events in the story.

Upon completion of the second edit, the manuscript will be moved on for review by a copy editor who will check all punctuation and expressions for accuracy and clarity. This may also involve modifying dialogue to match local expression in the setting and time of the novel.

Donna’s work continues…