Youth Readers Respond
Over the last few months a small panel of youth readers has been formed, through High School Administration selections and other youth involved in writing and studying literature. We've asked them to read Kate’s Ring in manuscript form (prior to the final edit) and let us know what they think about the book.
Many Thanks to our Youth Panel for taking the time to share their thoughts and feelings about the book. We are thrilled that so many youth readers have enjoyed Kate's Ring, and we will be sharing the reviews as they come in.
Here are the comments from the first few readers:
“A real eye-opener and heart-wrencher! Donna transports her readers to the ‘20s, investing them in the lives of a struggling family. Her forthright dialogue, relatable characters and thought-provoking topics explore issues that mirror concerns in today’s society. Donna is able to connect with and enlighten her audience on these topics through her characters’ variety of perspectives- something of which I really appreciated in the book.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, finding it relatable and captivating. The characters were strong individuals, bringing their unique points of view to each chapter and each facing their own demons. It was a great read and brought me right into the world of Cape Breton in the early 1900s. I think this book is great for all ages, offering a taste of history and a heartwarming view of family struggles and perseverance.”
“Kate’s Ring is a fascinating book about a brave girl who, despite the challenges, took care of her family even when it was not her job to do. Her selflessness is inspiring and her journey to help support not only herself, but also her 5 siblings, is beautiful. It brought me into another time and made me realize just how hard it could’ve been to live in the 1900’s. I loved the book.”